
Liriél had her first pot of little weed sprouts yesterday, she got quite excited about it but I think my phone was putting her off again!


The video’s a bit dark sorry.

She's really loving those :-) Cautiously maybe as she's keeping her feet firmly on something and leaning forwards although nearly put her feet on the plant pot a couple of times. What kind of sprouts are they and what are they growing in please? Is it paper?
She did enjoy them, not a lot left this morning!

It’s the shelled warrior hamster seed mix, growing in kaytee clean & cosy.
You can get the seeds from the shelled warrior site or from Amazon..

I thought I remembered you saying once they could grow in paper :) It's a clever idea as means you can put the whole pot in, whereas compost or soil might not be safe. I wonder if they would grow in coco soil? Paper sounds safest though.
They would grow in coir but it would probably get a bit messy as it might all end in the substrate, Zen always used to just pull the whole lot out of the pot but picking out some damp substrate is easy enough, getting the coir out wouldn’t be so easy & it really holds on to moisture for ages.

I did put a bit about growing these in my sprout thread.
I heard chirping this morning!
That’s the closest I can come to describing it really, it’s a soft gentle quite content little sound but I have no idea what it means! I’ve only ever heard my female Chinese do it, never the males & they only do it in the house so it’s a bit of a mystery, Miri used to be quite loud & I could hear her across the room.
This was the first time I heard Liriél doing it, so sweet.

She was up as usual when I got up this morning & had a few little treats then she disappeared, some days she stays up for quite a while around the cage & running in her wheel other days she has her treats then goes back to her house & I don’t see her again.

Today after she’d gone back to her house I went to check on her food & that’s when I heard her chirping away.
I went to get something & went back & she was out again, she can still be quite skittish and i thought I might have spooked her not expecting to see her there & she disappeared into the back of the cage, it’s quite dark at the back & she moves so fast half the time I have no idea where she is.

I got some more sprays together & went to put them in & she was sitting on a ledge by the door, I had a small piece of the pale gold foxtail millet she hasn’t had before & I pushed it through the bars a bit & she immediately started munching on it.
When she stopped for a moment I opened the door & put that on the substrate near the door, as I was picking up the other sprays I was looking around to see where she was & she was right beside me munching on the millet, she’s so quiet as well as fast she just appears out of nowhere!
She began to munch some of her flax spray while I was still holding that too & then settled down to eat some of her tofu left over from last night.
That’s the calmest she’s been so far, she still takes treats from me quite happily every morning sits in my hand & doesn’t seem nervous about that but she’s so zoomy after that I haven’t had much chance to progress further yet so I felt this morning was a bit of a breakthrough really.
She’s really grown & looks quite chunky (as much as Chinese ever do that is) now.

I also found some seed shells including the buckwheat under her wheel (not sure how she got them there!) so I’m a bit happier that she’s eating better now & isn’t having a problem with chewing harder things.

Evenings she’s very skittish & it seems she really wants to be left alone then, quite different to her behaviour in the mornings, she might take one treat from me but often not even that & a couple of times when I tried interacting with her in the evening she was nervous the following morning so I’m leaving her be in the evening now.

So we’re still figuring things out between us & it is quite a slow process but I’m quite pleased with how she’s doing so far.
That sounds lovely and she seems happy and settled. How nice to hear chirruping! Do you think she was saying "oi you - how about some breakfast?"

It does sound like quite a bit of progress. Maybe in the mornings, she has burned off a lot of energy overnight.
No idea what the chirping is, but it’s post breakfast so maybe admiring her stash!

I have had a few hams who don’t like to interact in the evenings & never been quite sure what it is, maybe coming out to forage for food, they do often look as though they think I might steal something!
Zak was the same until he was older & Tinwë, Ziggy (Russian) used to make me laugh as he was very active in & out of the cage during the day but almost on the dot of 9pm he would disappear into his house & wouldn’t come out for anything for the rest of the evening but the minute I turned the lights off & went to bed he’d be racing in his wheel, so maybe it’s just their “Me time” 🤔