Second chance hamsters

I'm going to rescue and rehome again on a very small scale meaning one Robo at a time.

The time is right and i can put Otto's Hamster Heaven to good use which is already set up with things i had.
Rory's enamelled sandbath, Rodney's corner shelf, Scottie's cork log and Jack's rainbow bridge.

I've rearranged the hamster room to place the foster cage where it was originally, right next to where i sit on the floor in the evening. It's on a trolley so a freeroaming hamster shouldn't be able to climb up. Lilly is too short, the boys would struggle and Eddie wouldn't bother plus i'm here to keep an eye on things.
That sounds a nice idea, one Robo at a time.
That sounds a nice idea, one Robo at a time.
Yes, Robos are so self contained that i could foster one without worrying about not having enough time for all the hamsters.

Saying that, it would be lovely to foster a Robo who wants out of cage time.

I'm not going to check adoption tanks in a certain pet shop but am open to take in an unwanted Robo from the small ads. I've never seen one housed in a decent cage but many in a Spelos type prison cell so the Hamster Heaven should do nicely as a stopover to a better life.

There's one thing i'm not looking forward to. People. All the xxxxs to get past to find someone who appreciates hamsters like we do.
That sounds like a great idea. I can totally understand dreading the unsuitable people contacting you then refusing to be educated once you explain things.
That sounds like a great idea. I can totally understand dreading the unsuitable people contacting you then refusing to be educated once you explain things.
Yes, i used to try and educate them but felt that i wasted a lot of my time. Some people think they know better and refuse to take anything on board.

What i started to do then was to ask to see a photo of the cage and set up as soon as someone enquired which was often the end of the conversation.

I added in my ads that i wouldn't rehome into anything less than 80x50 and may increase that to 100x50 but still received photos of Picos and the like.

One person acquired a Savic Bristol but insisted that it was a Hamster Heaven!
It's because the small cages are sold all over the places and subliminally makes people think they're fine - particularly when there are good Amazon reviews saying their hamster loves it or it's a good cage for a Syrian.
I'm going to adjust the HH in the hamster room today but will also do a basic, washable/disposable set up in the small cage and keep him downstairs. I'm going to do a health assessment first away from the freeroaming area as a precaution which also includes a few days of observation before moving him upstairs.
That looks amazing and full of enrichment :) Where did you get the ladder? Good ladders are hard to find (and secure in place I find). Also love ceramic hide at the back - did you paint it?
I thought it looked a bit like a ceramic hide I bought a few years ago that originally had a metal frame to hang it from. I think I did use it a couple of times but then it got broken!
Mine was this one :-) Maybe not the same.

Ceramic hamster hide.jpg
The ladder is made up of bits i keep from the cages i collect for recycling.

Yes, the hide is a bird feeder from Aldi.

I improvise a lot and make things up. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't and ends up in the bin. Bit like my cooking.