Second chance hamsters

The bird feeder is a great looking hide! Did it come that colour or did you paint it? I love the splash of red on one side - it looks very artistic!
Look forward to seeing your latest hamster exploring that glorious hamster heaven set up.

I have moved house and still not properly found places for all my stuff to live so hamster adoption is on hold for a while. Lovely to hear about other people's hamsters though.
I wondered what you meant by camp cardboard! It's a good idea to keep a new hamster away from the others for a while - like a quarantine - just in case they have something infectious. I'm not sure they need a special cage for it though? They could go straight in the permanent cage to be observed maybe? Or are you upgrading in stages?
The Hamster Heaven is upstairs and i have no room for it downstairs plus its heavy and awkward to move up and down the stairs when set up.
I don't usually set up a quarantine cage but feel that it may be a good idea on this occasion.
Oh I see - that makes sense. Yes it sounds like a good idea in case the hamster is not too well.
I am guessing you did not have the chance to check the hamster and had to get them out of their quickly. I really hope the hamster is okay. You are amazing for rescuing them.
Is it a Syrian hamster in there?
At least there seems to be a fair bit of substrate in there. I think I can see a burrow hole. But substrate alone isn't enough. And no wheel.
What a cute little Syrian. He looks quite small but hard to tell how he is from the photo. Just wondering if there is any way of repurposing the Spelos cages! Digging boxes? (eg the base).
Davy is a lovely name. I hope your scales are wrong because 66g is very underweight. I love him already!