Second chance hamsters

I think that is really so much part of keeping hamsters, to give them the chance to be themselves and to develop their personalities.

Yes, i must admit that i had not expected to find little Davy in the bath and called my OH. No hamster has pulled this stunt off before.

I'm off to the tip now after redirecting a haul of small cages and hamster balls en route to a jumble sale to the tip.
Is that Davy again? He is definitely a dark horse! Except he's a hamster lol. If it is Davy, I'm sure he's changed colour! I thought he was cream!
Yes he almost looks like a gold banded hamster in some lights. His head looks brown.
This is becoming a habit. I've just been to the tip with garden waste and picked up a hamster cage for recycling en route, again.

Just to bring things into perspective. We worry about a tiny gap in a bendy bridge but years ago, hamsters had to run on wheels like this all the time!

Another two lucky little hams then, what will happen with these two, are you fostering or are they going to the rescue? Either way good to know they’ll now have a good life ahead of them.