Second chance hamsters

Just catching up, sounds like you’re doing a great job to accommodate Toby’s needs. He did look a bit erratic in the first video but much more settled now you’ve made some other changes and removed the loft. Great to hear he’s enjoying his out of cage time too. Lovin the pictures of Davy, he’s settled so well 😁
It's a MouseBro on a height adjustable stand. I've never checked if it attaches to the bars because its the Robos spare wheel and they live in tanks.
Yes and i got his set up wrong the first time round. I really appreciate the input of people on here who helped me to improve things for Toby.
You soon realised what Toby needed and changed it for him. This is why you are so good with gaining hamsters trust. You really listen to them and treat them as individuals.
Aw that's a lovely video of Toby :) I wonder what he was sniffing - had you been cooking? He seems to really like the hemp mat on top of the jar. A kind of cosy place to sit maybe. Good you found something that works for him. Maybe that's why he was racing around - looking for something he needed that wasn't there - like a particular cosy corner or snacking place.