Second chance hamsters

Hmm, Toby is sleeping in his tube which is not good. I wonder why he's reverting back to old habits. He slept in his tube in his old cage which was understandable but he only run through it here.
I put it in so he had something familiar but now of course i'm seriously considering removing it altogether.
He's come out of it now. I think i'll take the top section out and wash it then put it back in. With his scent gone it may put him off from getting comfortable in it again. I need to check the tube anyway because there are some seed shells in it.

Is it possible changing things in his cage unsettled him and he is reverting back to his old habits to feel more secure? I know you have much more experience then me so you will know better but I just wondered if that could be a reason.
It is a bit odd that he’d go back to that now, it doesn’t look like he’s nesting or hoarding in it though so it might be ok, is he sleeping in it all the time or just now & then.
It's the second time i've seen him in it during the day.
It could be an insecurity behaviour and i'm not sure if i'm helping or overthinking things because i'm struggling to figure out his needs.
Agree it might be better to wait a while. If he's just in it during the day it might be just a place to go - if he hasn't actually made a nest in there. If he does start sleeping in the tube all the time I'd probably just take them out. Washing them will just annoy him or stress him probably. At a guess. Did the tubes used to lead to the loft area before? He is certainly quite a handful :)
Yes, i'm going to wait and see. As long as he doesn't nest or pee in the tube or sleep there all the time, it shouldn't be a problem.

No, this tube didn't lead into the loft.
I don't think that he misses the loft as another place to run back and forth to. Since i've slightly rearranged his HH and moved the saucer downstairs, he uses it a lot more.

The location of his HH isn't ideal as its near a window and too bright, even though the lace curtains are black.

Maybe sleeping in the tube is just a habit he acquired because it was the best available option in the past. Old habits die hard or something like that.
Even the photo in the advert showed him inside the tube. Looks like they couldn't even get him out for long enough to get a decent photo of him. I had no idea what he looked like, not that i care what a hamster looks like. They are all cute anyway.
I'm totally new and still learning from the forum but here's a just a thought do you think putting a clean no scent empty toilet roll into the tube he may abandon the tube for a more suitable abode provided or if he stays in the toilet roll move it to a bed and remove the tube only you knows how your little one will react and not to try if you think it may upset him.
That's an interesting idea and I can see the logic there. It could be worth a try. Although hamsters are so contrary they will probably do the opposite of what you expect!
It wouldn't work because the tube is in an U shape so i'd need to take it apart to place a cardboard tube inside by which time he would have run out the tube.
I can see the idea behind it though and it could work with one straight tube.
Toby is so beautiful. He reminds me a little bit of Bernard when he first arrived. It is almost like everything is just so exciting. His first lovely home, good food, enrichment. It must be so overwhelming and requires everything to be explored all the time. :)
Toby is so beautiful. He reminds me a little bit of Bernard when he first arrived. It is almost like everything is just so exciting. His first lovely home, good food, enrichment. It must be overwhelming and requires everything to be explored all the time. :)
That's an interesting thought. I had forgotten how fast Bernard used to be.