Socks: Mouseworks Dynamic Cardboard Redesign and Basic Tunneling

Really glad it went well at the vets and hope the xeno helps :-) What a good boy he was.
Thank you, and thank you for the tips on how to prepare. I put some calming spray on myself 😊 and carried a wipe in its wrapper in my bag. I put Socks' carrier in a big shopping bag with a tupperware that the base fitted into and took cucumber and a bottle of water and a clean cloth, and a small fleece pet blanket over his carrier. Socks slept in his own bedding with a top-up of clean bedding. I had to find him in the bedding and he came out looking bleary 🥱 We could have travelled all day, no problem!
Socks was quite energetic last night and ran on his wheel for several sessions. He took some veg and boiled egg. most of his dry food is gone, so he must have stashed it in his burrow and I heard the sound of crunching early this morning.
Great to hear Socks visit to the vet went well for you both 🙂 he sounds in good spirits, hoping the treatment works so no need for a return visit.
Socks: Mom bought some Kaytee Clean and Cosy bedding. I really like this stuff, it's wonderfully soft and really lends itself to the cutest tunnels!
Mom: I ordered some more this morning.I had to remove smelly bedding from inside Socks' house and he went off and dug a new tunnel in the bedding. This morning I was just in time to see him scampering from his house to the entrance of his new tunnel.
Socks: I wanted Mom to make a note of where my new tunnel is. I hope she doesn't wreck it too quickly. She took away a small stash of chopped cucumber I was keeping. But she does give me veggies every night. I'm glad she's noticed how nice this new bedding is
Mom: Socks' fur is still think in places. He is on a course of Ivermectine drops. I'm hoping he will be nice and furry again before winter ❄️
Socks ‘thoughts’ always make me smile. Like the look of the new tunnel, he’s been a busy Ham 🙂

Good to hear it looks as though treatment is slowing/stopping further fur loss 👍
Thank you! He still has areas where his fur is very thin. I'm hoping it will grow back soon!
Awww I love Sock's thoughts! He's such a sweetheart <3 I hope his soft shiny fur will be back soon!