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Socks: Mouseworks Dynamic Cardboard Redesign and Basic Tunneling

Agree! He does. How lovely he comes out for breakfast though 😊
Mom: Hi Socks, can I do some cleaning?
Socks: ummh
Mom: How about some flaked maize?
Socks: Um, nah💤
Mom: well, you like pea flakes, don't you?
Socks: Thanks Mom, I'll pouch it and put it in my hoard ❤️

Socks: Festive time can be a good time for treats 🌰🥜 Mom has some Christmas nuts and she gave me a pecan with the salt washed off 😙
Mom: Pecans are my favourite too. Socks took the nut and started heading towards his larder room, but on tasting how nice it was, he sat down in the doorway and ate it on the spot ❤️
Lucky Socks! A nice tasty treat.
Mom: Lately Socks' hoard has become a bit problematic. He carries his pecan nuts into the entrance of his pantry and then clearly has a dilemma deciding how to pack them away. Some old stuff has appeared in the entrance hall and the bedding is so tight packed against the roof if is beginning to look like it has been vacuum packed, so in a moment I am going to wake Socks up to motivate for some investigation and cleaning. I will try not to trash his hoard though 🫤
Socks: Mom is fiddling about. Late afternoon on a Sunday usually means some nest trashing is on the way 🫤
Socks: I wondered what was going on when Mom gave me a piece of walnut and a piece of pecan and then encouraged me to pouch them rather than carry them into my (now sizeable) hoard. But it's fine, I know where everything is. I jumped on the scales, a few grams heavier than before, but I still look nice and trim. I watched Mom from my hamster carrier. Yes, she was heading for my hoard🙁
Mom: Socks had a large but clean and dry hoard in two rooms of his MCH. I was worried about mould, but if all seemed dry and clean. I didn't see any poop really. I tried to put back some bedding and a portion of his stash. It was all mixed up though. When Socks was back in his house, I opened the roof to offer him a walnut. He was sitting in his larder, trying to make sense of where everything was, I think. He took the walnut, after a slight pause, with seemed to be a slight tremble in his paws. Oh dear, I do feel bad when I have to do the cleaning 🧹 🧼 😔
Socks: Mom is nice, but I wish she wouldn't jumble things up in my larder 🙄
Aw it's difficult. I tend to add some new food as well so that distracts them a bit. If the hoard is clean and dry it can be left for a while. Doesn't he bury any under his nesting area?
I left his nest today, but I might check it soon. There was a lot of food, but he uses a dedicated toilet room furthest from his hoard. What a neat fellow!
It is difficult isn't it, but it does have to be done. I put extra food out when I've reduced the hoard, just so the little one knows, it's still going to be coming
It is difficult isn't it, but it does have to be done. I put extra food out when I've reduced the hoard, just so the little one knows, it's still going to be coming
Yes, his veggies are waiting along with a Nibblot, Harry Hamster food and more pieces of nuts 🥗 🥜 🌰
I gave Blossom a peanut in its shell yesterday to distract her from being cleaned out AND moved across the other side of the room to make way for the Christmas tree...other than a little glance around, she's taken the move this year in her stride 👍
Socks: The 1st of December was my Gotcha Day, but we decided to celebrate it today instead as the cage cleaning (hoard jumbling) got in the way. We had a quiet get together over some walnuts and pecans and looked at old footage of my first days here.
Mom: It was lovely, very quiet and thoughtful. Socks might have been as old as six months when I brought him home. He has lots of brown in his fur now, which is still thin in places, but his little socks are as white as ever. His skin is a little baggy, he seems slower and not as strong as he was.
Socks: I still run on my wheel every night. Mom is usually asleep or has been asleep for a couple of hours when I start the wheel going.
Mom: Socks still likes it when I sit with my hand in the cage while he is running on his wheel. Sometimes I hear a tiny squeaky sound that I think could be his claws on the plastic, or could it be Socks “chatting” as he runs? His house and nest are super tidy, carefully made and cosy.
Socks and Mom: Here’s to old friends and good friendships ❤️
That sounds a lovely way to spend his belated gotcha day :-) I'm impressed his housekeeping is so good now.