Jas, the hamster formally known as Jasper

I missed the tile :). What a lovely cool place for her to sit - and she clearly loves sitting on the tile. It’s amazing what you can do with cardboard.
Jas has some linseed every day for her coat, however she has become a little demanding and won't eat it now unless you hold the bowl at the right angle😂
And a massive shout out to my husband, Jas was just starting to potter about in her cage and he did a silent shout when the last penalty went in and then went outside to celebrate, so he didn't frighten her.
They do have some funny little quirks don't they? :-) I see that as a sign of affection and trust.
Hello Jas, nice to see you, and also nice to hear you are still in charge over there!
It was England v Switzerland in the Euro's, thank god it's finished, I couldn't have taken much more!
Hehe, did she come out to support the football?
Aw, Jas really have a cute quirk ❤️
Such a lovely ❤️
I think I've upset my little girl. I had to give her a clean, she knew it was coming I think, yesterday she didn't come out to play at all. I did a small clean today, when I put her back, she's gone straight underground and hasn't appeared since, not even for cucumber 😟
Aw. I'm sure she'll get over it soon :-) I'm expecting this with Raffy after I let a stranger handle him tomorrow. He won't like it!
Syrians seem to be quite well behaved at the vet 🤞Not that Chinese and hybrids can't be OK with being handled by strangers, of course.
I really did upset Jas, she got up today, I changed her water, gave her some food, and put her seeds in her little terracotta bowl, that's where they go, if I don't think she will come out. She took a treat from me, but she kept coming to the front, so I got her taxi out and she ran round the back and underground. Bless her.
She has come out to play in her cage again, but I'll leave the taxi hidden away for now I think.
She is sneaky though, she waiting a whole 5 mins yesterday after we went to bed, to come out to play. 😉
Oh dear - she is not happy is she - I’m sure she’ll come round.
Ah you're forgiven! I love that last photo :-)
Aw, that's adorable! Good to see she forgave you quickly after all. How big were her hoards?

Edited to hoards - is that right @ilguy? :-)
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Aw, that's adorable! Good to see she forgave you quickly after all. How big were her hoards?

Edited to hoards - is that right @ilguy? :)
Sorry, missed the question. Her hoards are quite large if I'm honest, so I check them, but if I take any away, she just takes all the food I leave to replenish them. :D