
Great update Elusive, sounds like Liriel is really enjoying herself and settling in. Pleased to hear she’s eating well and enjoying all the different sprays and seeds. Love the video of her eating your home grown seed sprouts, shes lovin those ☺️
She might be asking you to come over (or to check if you're in the area), if she was out right after chirping. It's tricky, those can sound so similar and I find the only way to learn them is see what the hamster's behavior is for the a few minutes following the noise.

Sounds like she is doing great! Can't wait to see more of her, glad you finally have a ham in the house.
I don’t think it’s a talking to me noise, I’ve had quite vocal Russian hams but this is a bit different, it’s a lovely sound though!
It is lovely having a ham in the house again, feels like home again now.

Hopefully I’ll get some photos soon if she stops zooming for a moment that is.
She’s a bit fast even for videos!
Sometimes in the evening when she’s running in her wheel I’ll hear her at her water bottle at the opposite end of the cage & in the time it takes me to just look up from my book she’s back running again!
I’ll try though!
A lot of blurb sorry!
Little bit of an update on Liriél.
She still doesn’t come out much which is making progress really slow but we haven’t had any backward steps so that’s something.
I introduced her to her taxi this week, a large cardboard tube with some cardboard stuck over one end, I expected her to be quite cautious but she was straight in & stayed in there for quite a while, no idea what she was doing, I did put some seeds in but they were still there aftewards but she wasn’t the slightest bit stressed so I don’t think she was just hiding.
It was a couple of days before I was able to try her with it again & she still seemed to like it, she also had her first run up my sleeve, she’s so light I wasn’t sure she was in there but when I lifted my arm I could just see a little tail!
She’s still following much the same pattern, when I get up first thing she rushes to the door to see me & see what treats I’ve got. She’s not really that food orientated though, which is probably a good thing long term but makes progress slower, she has a few teeny bits of nut then she’s done, she jumps in her wheel & looks a bit nervous obviously wanting me to go away so I leave her then.
She gets very nervous is I’m there when she wants to go down her burrow into her house, if she’s on top of the house she flattens herself right down or runs off to hide somewhere.
All my Chinese have been a bit like this but she takes it to the extreme! Usually if I just turn away or tell them I’m not looking they’re fine but she’s not happy at all.
So I’ve been holding off checking her house to see where she’s been peeing so far, hoping to be able to get her out before I do that but I need to do it soon as she’s been here four weeks already, that’s flown!
This morning she came out for the first time, I made her a play bin for starters, the large playpen might be a bit overwhelming for her at first. That went quite well, she was nervous & mostly just ran around but she did stop in her rodipet sand bath which I filled with coir & she seemed to like that. I kept it really short & will hopefully have another go tomorrow.
I just have to wait & see if she comes back out in the morning, she usually does around 7-8am for a run in her wheel & she’s a bit more approachable then so fingers crossed we’ll progress a little more 🤞
She is quite different in some ways to the other Chinese I’ve had, I’m sure some of it is her character but I’ve never had one spend so much time in the house or underground as she does & I do wonder if it’s partly to do with her being the only hamster here, it’s the first time I’ve brought a Chinese home with no other hamsters here & they’ve always been curoous & watching out from the cage when I’m with the other hamsters so maybe lacking that. makes a difference 🤔
Lots of signs of burrowing now anyway so she’s clearly having fun down in the depths!

I still keep forgetting to grab my phone first thing but I will try & remember & get some photos…
mini play bin


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It's lovely she ran up your sleeve! And she likes the tube taxi. It sounds like quite a bit of progress, even if she is still quite shy. The playbin looks great. I have that little train :-) And the rodipet sand bath :-) I must admit I do a double take looking at my new cage set up when I see that ceramic hide from Rodipet as I keep thinking its yours ha ha. Having seen it in your cages so many times.
Sounds like it's going very well. I bet with time her reactions will get less extreme when she wants alone time, once she internalizes that you respect her signals. From what you describe you're doing all the right things. Curious to see what her full personality is like once she's fully comfortable
Great update. Things maybe moving slowly, but having some out of cage time and a little run up your arm all sounds very positive and moving in the right direction. I think it’s lovely she comes to the front of the cage for treats ☺️
Finally managed to get a little bit of video without her zooming everywhere, she was hanging right out of the door while i picked up my phone but I was so close I couldn’t find her on the screen! 🙄
Here’s a quick clip after that before she jumped back in her wheel. Sorry it’s a bit dark, not much daylight this morning!

What a cutee 😊, I thought she was popping into the coconut hide, but nope up onto the top 🙂 she looks very inquisitive, maybe she was checking out the open door 😁