
She is very brave MacKyen but how much she trusts me depends what mood she’s in! I’m still learning to read her body language, she’s quite different in some ways to my other Chinese but we’re getting there!
She’s totally fearless about the open door, I have to keep a close eye on her!
I was just going to say, that is why I love that big front door on that cage :-) They are tempted to come over and look out and interaction is closer. But I know what you mean about having to keep an eye on her! If you remember, Pip once fell out (or jumped?!).
Yes she is gorgeous! It's lovely to see her in action and she certainly does seem very brave :) Your patience is paying off.
I remember Pip falling out Maz! At least Liriél’s playpen is below the door so you wouldn’t be running off anywhere! Not that I want her falling.
She’s so cheeky when she runs straight over & pokes her head out, then I have to guess what she wants & if I get if wrong she runs off & disappears again! It’s a fun game but it is taking a lot of patience too, I can usually read hamster behaviour quite well but she likes to keep me guessing.
Liriél was full of beans this morning lots of zooming around as usual but she did sit nicely in my hand for a while & when I lifted my hand, cupped the other hand around her to stroke her a little bit seemed quite unfazed by it which was nice.
Here she is having a wash after a tasty treat.

She wasn’t happy the second time in the play bin, I think she fetl a bit to enclosed so she had her first go in the big playpen today, she was nervous, you can see she’s flattening herself down a bit but had quite a good explore around, kept it short & hopefully she’ll gain confidence after a few goes.
She was happy enough back in the cage & had a good run around in my sleeve before going off to hide her treats, her pouches seem to be contantly bulging lately!

Thanks both.
I forgot to say she had another of her daring moments this morning, I turned aside for a moment to put a treat tub down & when I looked back she was climbing down the bars of the open door! She didn’t look too sure of herself but she was giving it a good go!
Thanks both.
I forgot to say she had another of her daring moments this morning, I turned aside for a moment to put a treat tub down & when I looked back she was climbing down the bars of the open door! She didn’t look too sure of herself but she was giving it a good go!
She's a brave girl.